World Teachers’ Day, also known as International Teachers Day, is observed every year on October 5 to honor teachers and recognize their contributions towards education and development. The worthy idea of celebrating teachers’ day established by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 1994 is for the appreciation of the teachers who changed the unprivileged lives of people into meaningful, logical, and reasonable lives. Their role for the advancement of the world cannot be ignored in any case as it is firmly believed by everyone that teachers are the backbone and nation builder of a society and a real teacher leaves an everlasting impression on the students.
However, teachers play a significant role in our lives to achieve our goals and inspire a love for knowledge, truth and light the path that leads our youth towards success. A good teacher helps us to become good human beings in the society and civilized citizens of a country. Undoubtedly, students are the future of any nation, since future development of any nation is in the hands of teachers. To be true, a teacher has the obligation to bring vital changes in the personality development of student.
In any era, teachers have been great causes for any social, cultural, political, moral changes in a society. However, they were the ones who revolutionized the way people lived and brought meaningful changes through which they proved themselves the change agents. The teacher has the potential to turn an uneducated society into an educated society, uncivilized to a civilized, immoral to a moral, and a backward to the peak of success.
The great Athenian philosopher Aristotle quoted,” Those who educate children well are more to be honored than who produce them; for these only gave them of life, those the art of living well.” Aristotle here had declared a great worth of the teachers that they deserve better treatment than the parents who gave them birth, and the teachers art of living an extraordinary life.
In reality, teaching is the profession that creates all the other professions; they produce wealth in shape of intellectuals, doctors, engineers, alchemists, sociologists, philosophers and uncountable other precious personalities than the pearls. On the contrary, the role of a teacher in the development of ones’ mental approach and ideology is what makes them indispensable, unique, obligatory, and most importantly immortal, though such teachers are extinct. The teacher has the duty to inspire hope, ignite imagination and install a great passion of learning. A teacher also shows the path to creativity, analytical approach of thinking and provides logical reasoning for distinguishing between good and bad.
On the second side, the noble profession of teaching is not easy as a piece of cake; of the all the hardest jobs around, one of the hardest is being a good teacher. For a teacher, it is not necessary to bring out all the answers to his students but to understand the needs and challenges being harshly coped by the students, and give tool to help other people succeed. Despite the great personalities who defined the teacher as the building block of society, even though Adolf Hitler, who killed 6 million Jews in World War 2, preferred teachers when he was asked by his soldiers to protect whom during the war, so he replied,” Save the teachers they will help you a lot in future.” One can observe that a personality like Adolf Hitler considered teachers useful among others, so how infertile the world would have been in the absence of teachers? Surely, it would have been a world of no value.
Ultimately, the teacher is not only the one who gives you knowledge but an inspiration to live. The teachers are the ones who take nations to progress and give life an extraordinary meaning and ultimate satisfaction to the soul. And what a teacher ultimately wants is to have left their stamp on the world and made things better than they found it. My ultimate words for teachers, “Dear teachers, thanks for making us what we are today. Happy Teachers’ Day.”